Minimally Invasive with little downtime (1-2 days).
Most fillers are made of Hyaluronic Acid
PSMA carries a wide variety of fillers to meet your specific needs and concerns
Lip filler is the most popular area for fillers
Dermal fillers are an amazing injectable that aid in so many anti-aging benefits to your face and body. These fillers are used to create volume and fill in wrinkles in places where Botox may not be able to get to. As we age, we lose bone and fat in our face which is our main source of volume in our face. We also start to lose collagen overtime which is the main source of keeping our skin tight and pulled back. Fillers can be placed in many areas to help bring back the volume in your face and body. The amount of syringes of filler you need is a case-by-case decision. The most popular places to put filler is the lips and cheeks! Please book a free consultation if you would like to discuss how many syringes you would need.
Filler can help smooth out wrinkles, plump the skin and provide volume
Filler can be dissolved if it has migrated or if you do not like the appearance of the fillers
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